I had a wanted ad posted on craigslist stating what I was looking for, and I got an email from a girl about her saddle. She had it listed on ebay for $950 buy it now price, and starting bid at $700, and it included Courbette leathers and Sprenger stirrups included. That's too much for me, so I offered $350 without the stirrups and leathers, and she said she wouldn't let it go for anything less than $600. Boo. But then a couple days went by, and she emailed me back saying that she had spoken with her dad who is buying her a new saddle and he said that they would come down to $450 with just the leathers. Deal!
17.5", medium tree, havana brown, has knee and thigh blocks, in really good condition. There's a few slightly darker spots, and there's some faded wrinkle lines on the seat, but all in all, it's a great saddle, especially for only $450!
Anyways, back to the saddle. I cleaned, oiled, and conditioned it, so here's some pictures!
Here's the faded wrinkle lines on the seat
I emailed Courbette company with the serial number, asking if I could get any information about the saddle, and this was the reply:
"This saddle is our No. S313 Futura XL All-purpose with jumping tendency in a 17" seat size with a medium tree width. It is 11 years old, it sold on 11/30/2001. This model was discontinued a few years ago. It was made in our Swiss factory, built on our flexible E-Motion synthetic spring tree and features full grain leather and memoryflex foam panels. The latest suggested retail price for a new Futura was $1,007.00 back in the year 2000."
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