To keep track of the things I need/want to purchase. I will continuously update it.
For the rider:
- IRH ATH SSV helmet - $169.99
- Tipperary Eventer vest $239.95
- Field boots
- XC watch
- Competition pinny
- Spur straps
- XC watch
- Competition pinny
- Spur straps
For the horse:
- Name plate, for new halter, 2 lines: Horse name, my name
- Kentucky Tendon Grip horse socks $45 for 5 meters
- Kentucky Tendon Grip horse socks $45 for 5 meters
- Light blanket
- Kensington fly sheet, purple
- Cooler
- Dress sheet
- Waterproof quarter sheet
- Shipping boots
- Tail wrap
- Body clippers
- Mane puller
- Stud kit + box
- Safety tee tap
- Stud hole cleaner brush/pick
- Stud suds
- Magnetic stud dish
- Stud plugs
For the barn:
- Kensington stall guard, purple
- Stall/aisle mats
- Dressage letters
- Jump standards and poles
- 5 gallon buckets, purple
- 2 gallon buckets, purple- Fly spray
- Roll-on fly spray
- Swat
- Satin sheen
- Mane/tail detangler
- Sore No More liniment gel
- Excaliber sheath cleaner
- Hoof oil
- Thrush treatment
- Bit wipes
- Magic Cushion hoof packing
- Poultice
- Poultice paper
- No-bow wraps
- Farrier tools: Rider's rasp, regular rasp,
- Shampoo and QuikSilver for markings
- UlcerGuard OR SmartGut pellets for when pony first comes home
- Farrier's Formula
- Electrolytes
- Omega HorseShine
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